
My name is Tim Clarke, and I live in a small suburb of Philadelphia (population: ~3,250) in Montgomery County, PA. I work at Muhlenberg College where, among other things, I support a Domain of One’s Own initiative.  Thank you for visiting!

I have a MLS from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a MS in Instructional Technology from St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, PA. I found my professional footing at the Digital Pedagogy Lab 2016 Institute, and my favorite professional community following the Reclaim Hosting crew in all their in-person and online places.

I’m a mediocre ‘grow dammit’ gardener, so advice about growing plants (or mushrooms) and advice about growing patience will always be welcomed.  I try to spend a lot of time in the woods, and for the past four years, I’ve been building and improving a small cabin in the Western Catskills of New York.

I can be reached for work-related stuff via email at timothyclarke [AT] muhlenberg [DOT] edu. For non-work stuff, via email at tim [AT] theclarkes [DOT] name.  You can maybe find me on DS106Radio, and I am on Mastodon at: @timc@social.ds106.us